уторак, 4. фебруар 2014.

Movies and TV series to check out (that you might never heard of)


Dangerous Beauty

Dangerous Beauty, a movie from 1998, is based on the non-fictional novel The Honest Courtesan by Margaret Rosenthal. The movie is set in the 16th century Venice and it's revolving around Veronica Franco, a courtesan. It's interesting to mention that Renaissance Venetian society recognized two different classes of courtesans: the cortigana onesta, the intellectual courtesan, and the cortigana di lume, let's say, a lower class prostitute. Veronica Franco belong to the former, and was probably the most celebrated member of that circle. She was not only a pretty face, but a witty, compassionate woman and poet. If you want to see how she managed to become both a hero and a witch, be sure to give this movie a chance. The scenography is stupendous, so much it seems that the director of photography wanted  the colors to resemble the historic period and the place of this story. The film almost looks like a proper Renaissance painting. Catherine McCormack, who plays the main heroine, is probably one of the most underrated actresses of past time, and you perhaps saw her in  Mel Gibson's blockbuster film, Braveheart, where she plays the love of his caharacet's life.

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