Circle of Friends
Circle of Friends is a sweet British movie set in conservative 1950's Ireland, which introduced Minnie Driver to wider audience. Its a coming of age story, which follows the paths of three girl friends, who come from different social background. The theme of the movie revolves around strict moral demands of catholic church, and society in general after WWII, which burdened young people looking to explore their bodies, minds and souls. It falls under romantic drama category, with lots of humorous parts, but diversity comes from the fact that the main character is not typically extremely beautiful woman who men cannot resist, which is a stereotype repeated throughout movie history. The movie focuses on the relationship between Benny and Jack, which represents, in fact, its main flaw, cause the supportive characters (ex. Aidan Gillan and Geraldine O'Rawe as Aidan Lynch and Eve Malone, not to mention the Colin Firth cameo) give a true spark to the story. The movie somewhat seems unfinished, but that may not be as bad as it sounds, because the lack of the true Hollywood-like happy ending,can leave room for imagination. Still Aidan Gillan (Littlefinger in Game of Thrones) should have been given more screen time. :P
As a huge, huuuuge fan of Colin Firth myself, I remember watching this film a long ago and I really enjoyed it. Quite fresh despite the times in which is settled. Perhaps is time of a re-watch, since I don't remember it as fully as I should, so thank you for bring me the memories I thought I didn't have any more about this film. ^_^
ОдговориИзбришиIt is a pleasure :) Writing about Colin anytime, as well :)