уторак, 28. октобар 2014.



N0.5 Mademoiselle

Rouge Coco is, by our modest opinion, the best Chanel product launched in years. It is very silky, long lasting and it comes in a great number of shades, with a natural sub-tone. Our favorite is the shade called Mademoiselle, which you can actually see on Vanessa Paradis here, who is a spoke person for Chanel. This shade reminds us of her early days in music industry, perhaps the Be my baby time and it goes very well with pale faces and 90 s like make up.

Kind of like this
The commercial video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIyVIdqaLKc

And this

Artistic Marron and Margarite

Marron and her boyfriend, anime style   by Margarite

Marron painting

Sansa and Sandor

четвртак, 17. јул 2014.

Style crush

When it comes to Japanese fashion it's anything but boring. Street fashion is going wild with crazy, but oddly great looking, combinations of designers' and Japanese brands, vintage clothes, over the top accessories, and platform shoes. While going through Harajuku street snaps, we instantly noticed one person whose eccentricity and, let's be honest, gorgeous face, made us wonder in awe- who is that?      

Ikeda Hirari, one of the most recognizable faces of Tokyo street fashion. What we like about her, among other things, is her ability to transform, while still staying true to herself. Colorful hair, pixie cut, undercut, colorful eyebrows, or no eyebrows, whatever she does, she stuns.  Maybe we should just let the pictures talk for themselves.

Wisdom of the Day

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one. 

George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons

среда, 16. јул 2014.

Beauty icons of the past


Isabella Rossellini

In the fashion industry, a "slightly" misogynistic one, some decades before appeared a woman with strong feminist believes,  setting up a model of living worth of admiration. She is mostly known as a spokesperson for Lancome, a cosmetic house, which fired her, basically for getting older, after what she raised her voice about the treatment of women in this in so many ways cruel industry. She, a daughter of yet another icon, Ingrid Bergman, is surely a woman of exceptional beauty, with uncommon face features and classic posture and style, and that is why she earned a place in our modest blog. But, she took our hearts with activism and smart remarks about the world surrounding her. Make sure to check her  documentary  "Green Porno" ;) It's not what you think.

Be inspired- flower power

Flowers in the hair not only make a exceptional accessory, especially for some particular events in life, such as wedding (don't mind us wearing them a bit more often) but also have a strong cultural aspect. For example, in some areas of the world, such as Polynesia, it  may hold an information about your love life (a flower behind the right ear - looking for a lover). In any way, it makes you look ethereal and somewhat fairy-like.
Some people's visual identity is partially or solely based on using these mother nature's gifts, as we can see in the cases Frida Kahlo or Carmen Miranda. It can not be a coincidence that these two great women were also great artists, unique, different from the rest in their expression. 
Today, so it seems, flower power is mostly seen in fashion editorials and runway, and not as a part of every day style, perhaps because it is always easier to be a part of the crowd than to stand out, thus more uniformed trends now prevail. But, guess what, hippy way of looking at life still survives this world full of conformists.
Notion: because of the longevity, many choose to go with no-natural hairpieces, but if you decide to go for the real one, be informed about the symbolism of it. for example, Dahlia flower can symbolize a warning or wildness, while Camellia is a sign of deep longing for your beloved.

Carmen Miranda
Josephine Baker
Frida Kahlo
Anne Hathaway
Keri Russel

Wisdom of the Day



"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

недеља, 13. јул 2014.

Be inspired: pixie haircut

As we mentioned in our previous post, both of us are fans of Emma Watson's pixie cut look- especially Margarite, who's sporting one ever since Emma cut her locks.
It's sad how much negativity can a change of hairstyle get- you don't have long hair and automatically you're not feminine enough, you look like a boy, you're a lesbian (ooh, so offensive!), nobody would like to date you. One of the silliest comments we heard from a guy- oh, I'd feel like I'm kissing a man (??).
Today we'd like to take a look at some of the ladies who helped promote the cut and liberate a number of people from the 'what a real woman should look like' nonsense.

Audrey Hepburn, 1953
Jean Seberg, 1960.
Edie Sedgwick, 1965.
Twiggy, 1966.
Mia Farrow, 1968
Winona Ryder, 1994
Keri Russell, 1999
Keira Knightley, 2005
Audrey Tautou, 2006
Carey Mulligan, 2010
Emma Watson, 2010 (had to be included again :D)
Rihanna, 2012
Miley Cyrus, 2013.
Miley Cyrus, 2014 (shh added twice, cos we like both of the looks)
There are, of course, many many more celebrities with brilliant pixie cuts we didn't include in this post, but we'd like you to share with us your inspirations and experiences, if you ventured into the pixie cut wonderland.

Style crush

Emma Watson

What more can a person expect from a true English rose with a drop of French blood, other than pure perfection? For us, Emma Watson is the epitome of statement less is more, although, she is not estranged from more avagardish style choices. Her most crushing-worthy moment  to date, on our modest opinion, is cutting her hair pixie short, very similar to Mia Farrow's from Rosemary's baby period. Of course, non of these would be of matter if she didn't have that cute, lively personality she does.